sleep habits in children

We all have faced the challenges of not having good sleep, leading to feeling tired and irritated all day. This habit in kids is becoming normal, and sometimes this is acceptable, but having bad sleeping habits is not good. Sometimes, parents ignore the habit of their child, but due to this ignorance, it has led to an increased number of cases. Studies projected that 17.3% of children in India are experiencing insomnia, including sleeping disorders.

The magnitude of not having good sleep can impact their mind as well. Here are some of the issues linked with sleep habits in children:

  • Not able to focus on daily activities
  • Lack of sleep leads to problems in building muscles, the brain, and cells in the body.
  • Poor academic performance
  • Behavioral challenges such as aggressive behavior, throwing tantrums, etc
  • Facing challenges to remember things

You know what? Even pediatrics stated that childhood sleep deficiencies can decrease the mental functioning of kids, which can significantly impact their future. So, it is better to start setting sleeping habits so that they feel refreshed every morning.
Sleep hygiene is very crucial for children. It is a habit of the children to go to bed on time, as it promotes a pretty and good night’s sleep. The purpose of the article is to let parents know the tips to build healthy sleep habits in children.

Tips for good sleep habits in children

1. Setting a bedtime routine:

It is crucial to set a routine for children, as it encourages them to have good sleep. A bedtime routine can include a good bath, brushing teeth, storytelling, and setting the bed as per your child. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is not letting them watch their phone just before bed, as this can disturb their sleep pattern by suppressing melatonin production. Any sort of digital technology is not good for them.
When it comes to infants, you can’t predict their sleep pattern as they sleep and awake regardless of the time. But there are some things you can consider, like setting a routine of bath, lullaby, or feeding.

If your kid starts to cry just before bed or throw a tantrum, it is highly advised to talk to them calmly. You can read their favorite book to them or play some gentle music. These are some of the advised practices by pediatricians.

2. Aim to implement a sleep schedule:

A daily routine of bedtime and waking up helps to manage the circadian rhythm of the children. Children enjoy having a late-night conversation with parents, but it is your responsibility to not entertain this. This can disturb their sleep cycle because even if they are sleeping, engaging in conversation might delay their sleep, resulting in less sleep and feeling irritated all day.

The biggest problem occurs when parents don’t follow the routine. Don’t delay in their food, bedtime stories, or going to bed.

3. Don’t engage in midnight conversation:

Even if your child wakes up at midnight, make sure to comfort them and let them go to sleep. This can be hard for parents, but you need to ensure that they sleep peacefully. If your child is continuously showing signs of sleep unhygienic, it is always good to consult with the pediatrician. There might be chances that their daily schedule or food is influencing their sleeping pattern.

4. Avoid caffeine before bed:

We all know how caffeine works. It energizes our body and helps us to keep active. It is advised by the experts that children below 12 should not consume caffeine. Moreover, it is better to avoid cold drinks and large cups of milk as well. It can spike the blood sugar level of the kid and cause hyperactivity. It can create difficulty in falling asleep and also lead your child to wake in between the nights.

5. Add physical activity: 

First thing, after waking up, take them to a balcony or outside to let them absorb some sunlight. As natural environments help to boost mood. Moreover, if your child is not that active, add some physical activity to their schedule. Even you can play with them or let them go outside to play some time with their friends. If your child feels tired, they will sleep better without any disturbance throughout the night.

Bottom Line

Your child learns the things that you teach them. It is important to be a role model for them. First, improve your habits and make sure your kid also follows the routine. But in time, you will see the changes in their daily schedule and sleep patterns.

But, even with all the efforts, if your kids are not getting sound sleep, it is time to talk to the pediatrician. Experts like Cradle Children Hospital are some of the best choices, as the professionals can help you to know the reason and will guide you to ensure your child’s health.

Contact us today for more information and consultation!

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