Winter Health Tips For Children

Whether you embrace the chilly winter or hate it comes with challenges like flu, cold, runny nose, or respiratory infections. Cold temperature means sitting at home at the time but hiding them in a blanket is not a sustainable solution. It not only impacts their immune system but also affects their mood. So, rather than wrapping them in a bunch of clothes, protect them from winter challenges.

This article will highlight some of the simple tips to ensure your kid’s health in this season of cosiness.

Winter comes with some issues, so protect and prevent your child from that. Here are some of them-

  • FluCold
  • Dry skin
  • Less or oversleep
  • Viral infection
  • Gastroenteritis and many more

Tips to keep your kids healthy

  • Kids are more sensitive than adults, so keeping them protected is the parents’ responsibility. Here are some of the tips that parents can adopt.
    Stay warm
  • This is the basic need of winter to keep your kids warm. There is no need to overload them with layers of clothes. Rather choose the right kind of material that can keep them warm and allow them to move their body freely. Remember, children lose body heat four times faster than adults because they have a larger surface area in comparison to body volume or mass.
  • Moreover, in winter, there are high chances of eczema or dermatitis because of the dry skin. Furry, synthetic, textured material or tight clothing can cause the issue. Layer them with soft fabric.

Hydration is the key

As per UNICEF data, nearly 25% of the children in India experience dehydration issues especially in winter. We thought that water was not as necessary as it is important in summer. Water is crucial to let the body absorb nutrients, hydrate the tissues and organs and detoxify the body.

You can add juices, milk, soup or warm water to their daily routine. Incorporate hydrating food like fruits and vegetables to fulfil the daily need. There are signs that can help to identify the issue of dehydration in your child.

Add healthy food to the Diet

You know this is the season of flu, so add that are rich in vitamin C like oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, papaya and lemons. These help to boost the immune system and increase the production of white blood cells to keep your child away from infection.

Additionally, to fulfil the nutritional value of your kids add dry fruits like dates, cashews, raisins, and walnuts. These are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibres. Because of the healthy fat content, it aids in keeping the body warm and protects from cold temperatures.

Protecting children from colds and flu

There is a myth that; cold weather causes flu, but it is actually the virus. It spreads easily from one kid to another as the children tend to share their toys which spreads the bacteria of virus easily. Kids have weaker immune than adults which makes them more susceptible to viruses.

Along with a healthy diet, ensure that your child is washing their hands properly with soap and water, sneezing in tissue, and covering themselves with cap or scarf. Moreover, you can give them a shot of immunization as per the doctor’s recommendation. These are some simple and effective steps for your kids.

Encouraging physical activity

As a parent, you might not want your child to catch a cold or fever, and want them to stay at home. But allow them to play with their friends for some time and let them absorb some natural sunlight. It will aid in fulfilling the need for vitamin D, and physical activity helps in building strong muscles and bones which combat winter blues.

We all know, that due to reduced sunlight, the production of melatonin reduces. This hormone is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle of your kids and ensuring circadian rhythm, that is why, let them enjoy their childhood by playing outside.

You can keep on checking in every half an hour for your child. Also, tell them to change their clothes if they get wet or drink enough water to keep themselves hydrated. However, you can also go for a walk or jog with your child, as this can help in building your relationship.

Sleep is important

Due to less sleep, your child’s growth hormones, cortisol level, leptin and ghrelin (hunger and appetite hormones), melatonin, and insulin got impacted. Due to this, their overall growth can be impacted and lower the immune system. Moreover, adequate rest helps to produce the body’s cytokines which is a kind of protein that protects from inflammation and infection.

Set the timetable, so that your child can sleep for at least 8 hours. Even on holidays, don’t let them sleep for longer hours, as it can disturb their sleep cycle.


Winter can be fun and a headache at the same time. If you want your child to enjoy the season of gloomy days, make sure to follow the healthy tips to ensure their health. Encourage them with a variety of indoor and outdoor games or activities.

Apart from that, if you are still confused about the things that you can do for your child, ask an expert. Cradle Children Hospital professionals can help and guide you.

Contact us today for a consultation!