Frequently Asked Questions

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How Much Fee Is Needed To Pay a Cradle Children Hospital during an Appointment?

At Cradle Children’s Hospital, Appointment charges are fixed for all Doctors. You can call us. And book an appointment.

What Is Child Diagnostics Charge at Cradle Children's Hospital?

To get inquiries about the Child Diagnostics Charges, you can visit the fee counter because Child Diagnostics Charges differ per child’s health problem.

Which Pediatric Services Offered by Cradle Children Hospital, Vaishali Nagar?

The Cradle Children’s Hospital, Vaishali Nagar, provides Pediatric Services, i.e., Child Development, Pediatric Neurology, Child diagnostics, Vaccination, Dental, and Pediatric Surgery. You may refer to more inquiries about the Pediatric Services by Click Here.

What Are the Pediatric Surgery Charges?

The Pediatric Surgery Charges vary on the baby’s health issue. You may get the details by contacting the Cradle Children Hospital’s Cash Counter.

What is the Contact Number of Cradle Children's Hospital?

You may contact the number, i.e., 0141 676 1628 and +91 9116104308, for further inquiries about Cradle Children Hospital.

What is the Opening time of Cradle Children's Hospital in Vaishali Nagar?

The Cradle Children’s Hospital, Vaishali Nagar, is 24×7 to serve you.

Is Cradle Children's Hospital providing ambulances in an emergency?

Yes, of course, our hospital also offers the Ambulance an emergency. You just need to call at emergency number to get the ambulance service.

Does Cradle Children's Hospital, Vaishali Nagar accept Insurance Plans?

Yes, we accept Cashless medical insurance. You must contact Cradle Children’s Hospital’s administrative department for further information regarding insurance coverage and payment options.

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