
Hemorrhoids are also known as Piles. It is common due to enlargement and swelling of blood vessels in the anal canal. Hemorrhoids can occur around the anus and within the rectum. 

The main reason for the hemorrhoids is not understood completely. Hemorrhoids frequently grow due to improved pressure on the blood vessels in the anal canal. Straining during bowel movements (due to constipation or diarrhea), heavy lifting, prolonged sitting or standing, and pregnancy are the factors that cause increased blood pressure.

There are no requirements for surgery for all patients suffering from hemorrhoids, and even if surgery is necessary the latest techniques which lower the pain to nil.

Causes of Hemorrhoids 

  • Hard stools
  • Family history
  • Faulty habits of defecation 
  • Constipation
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Lifting heavy weights

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

  • Itching around the anal area
  • Constipation
  • Bleeding per rectum without pain
  • Mass per rectum

Stapler Surgery For Hemorrhoids 

Stapler surgery, also called stapled hemorrhoidopexy or stapled hemorrhoidectomy, is a procedure used to treat internal hemorrhoids. In stapler surgery, a stapling device is used to remove the excess tissue. With this technique, the surgeon staples the increased hemorrhoidal cushions and lowers the prolapse by lifting the hemorrhoidal tissue to its correct position.

Benefits of the Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy

  • After this surgery, you may early back to your work.
  • After this surgery, you will experience less blood loss, pain, and chances of infection. You will also recover very fast. 
  • You do not have to stay at the hospital for a long time. 

Other Surgeries For Hemorrhoidectomy

Open Hemorrhoidectomy (traditional method), DGHAL (Doppler-guided Hemorrhoidal artery ligation), closed Hemorrhoidectomy, and laser surgery.

Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids

To diagnose hemorrhoids, a visual test of your anus can be sufficient. Your doctor will do several examinations to check for any issues within the anus. This procedure of anus test is called a Digital rectal Examination. 

Based on your factors for gastrointestinal disease, your doctor may tell you for an extra test like a sigmoidoscopy, an anoscopy, or a colonoscopy. Your doctor will use the small camera to diagnose problems in your rectum, colon, or anus. 

Treatment For Hemorrhoids

You can use pain relief to treat Hemorrhoids. You can buy an over-the-counter medicated suppository, ointment, or cream from a medical store or online to relieve the itching and burning.

Fiber Supplement

If you are suffering from constipation, you need to take the OTC fiber supplement to assist in softening your stool. Psyllium and methylcellulose are the standard supplements. 

Home Remedies 

OTC Topical Treatments like hemorrhoid cream and hydrocortisone can help in relieving your discomfort from hemorrhoids. You can purchase both hemorrhoid creams at medical stores or online. Cleaning the anus with warm water may also give relief from hemorrhoids.  

Medical Procedures

If you are not getting good results by taking the help of home remedies, you need to consult your doctor. Your doctor may recommend the following procedures:

Rubber band ligation: Your doctor might suggest a rubber band ligation. In this procedure, the doctor will place the rubber band around the hemorrhoid and cut off circulation.

Sclerotherapy: During Sclerosing, your doctor injects a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid tissue to shrink it. This procedure is less effective than rubber band ligation. 

Coagulation: This procedure uses infrared, laser, or heat. Coagulation can cause minor discomfort.