Pediatric Gastroenterology

Witnessing the arrival of a newborn is a breathtaking experience. As parents embark on the adventure of understanding their little one’s needs, they also acknowledge the challenges faced by their babies during the transition to the outside world.

Newborns requiring intensive care find solace in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a specialized area within the hospital equipped with cutting-edge medical devices and skilled practitioners who provide meticulous nursing and medical care.

Follow-Up Care for High-Risk Neonates: Certain newborns discharged from the NICU necessitate regular monitoring due to high-risk factors that may lead to growth and developmental delays. Vigilant follow-up is essential to promptly detect and address any potential issues. These risk factors encompass:

  1. The gestation of 32 weeks or less
  2. Birth weight of 1500 gm or less
  3. Severe Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) (Birth weight below the 3rd centile for gestation)
  4. Prolonged artificial ventilation exceeding 5 days
  5. Occurrence of seizures during the neonatal period
  6. Grade 3 or higher Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)
  7. Neonatal Encephalopathy
  8. Stage 2 or 3 Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
  9. Jaundice necessitating exchange transfusion
  10. Developmental malformation of the central nervous system
  11. Neonatal meningitis
  12. Recurrent or refractory hypoglycemia during the neonatal period
  13. Challenging neonatal course raising concerns about the baby’s growth and development, as determined by the neonatologist

Embark on this beautiful journey of newborn care, cherishing every milestone along the way.

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