Seasonal Flu

Seasonal Flu is a respiratory infection that affects the nose, lungs, and throat. The Influenza Virus causes this infection. If someone talks, sneezes, or coughs, it can infect the other person around him. The symptoms of this flu are mild. However, some people or children have health issues that weaken their immunity power, and if the flu virus infects them, they will experience severe symptoms of seasonal flu. Their infection can be treated by hospitalization.

The Influenza season starts in the fall and lasts until winter. It would be helpful if you protected yourself from getting flu and its transmission from person to person.

Causes of Seasonal Flu

Like other viruses, Seasonal Flu has many variants, namely Type A (H1N1 and H3N2) and Type B (Victoria lineage and Yamagata lineage). During the winter month, each type of this flu variant occurs as part of a seasonal flu epidemic. These flu variants arise every year, and the signs of both variants are similar. Handshaking with an infected person and touching the eyes, nose, or mouth through uncleaned hands can cause Seasonal Flu (Influenza).

Symptoms of Seasonal Flu

The symptoms of Seasonal Influenza include

  • Cough, 
  • Fever, 
  • Sore throat, 
  • Muscle aches, 
  • Joint pain and exhaustion.

Treatment of Seasonal Flu

Staying at home and taking complete rest can prevent the spreading of the influenza virus from one person to another, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is vital to know that pregnant women, senior citizens, and people with severe health ailments are at risk of contracting the Seasonal Influenza virus. 

In such circumstances, your doctor may suggest an antiviral medication to reduce the duration and seriousness of the illness. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider as soon as you begin experiencing symptoms of this infection, as the medication is more effective earlier in the condition.

You must avoid contact with others until at least 24 hours after your fever recovers. You need to take medicines that ease your fever and make you comfortable. If you have experienced problems with breathing, have a high fever, can’t control vomiting, or become confused about any problem during your sickness, you must go to the nearest emergency room or get medical support.

Prevention of Seasonal Flu

To prevent Seasonal Flu, you may follow the tips as shown here:

  • A crucial step to preventing this flu is getting an Influenza vaccination once a year. 
  • When coughing or sneezing, use the tissue and wash your hands to prevent germs from spreading.
  • Wearing a mask is also an effective way to prevent this flu infection.
  • It will help if you keep washing your hands with soap and water.
  • Keep the surfaces of items clean and disinfected, like tables, faucets, doorknobs, light switches, toilets, and electronics.
  • You must avoid meeting or talking with others until your fever disappears.
  • Try to stay at home for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Do not touch the mouth, nose, and eyes to stop the bacterial infection.

Conclusion: Seasonal Flu is a respiratory disorder that spreads through the Influenza Virus and causes nose, lung, and throat infections. With the help of this article, you may get the tips to prevent this infection.


Q.1. What Are the symptoms of Seasonal Flu?
Ans. The signs of the seasonal flu are Cough, Fever, Sore throat, Muscle aches, Joint pain, and exhaustion.

Q.2. How long does Seasonal Flu last?
Ans. The symptoms of Seasonal Flu (Influenza) last for ten days. It can be a severe issue if symptoms do not disappear after ten days. You have to visit the nearest healthcare clinic and take the medication from the doctor.

Q.3. What are the variants of Seasonal Flu?
Ans. There are two variants of seasonal flu, i.e., Type A (H1N1 and H3N2) and Type B (Victoria lineage and Yamagata lineage).